Mission Statement
Mission Statement of POWC
The purpose of POWC has always been to provide information to its members. POWC's objective is for its members to be the best-informed individuals on the Island on matters of importance to the Island we love- whether our members live on the Island or have second homes here.
Why Does POWC Exist?
Our Overeaching Vision for the City of South Padre:
100% Transparency in Government
A Family Friendly
Environment for the Island
A Strong Economy for the Island
(When one looks around the world, except for the Disney cities, every great tourist destination was first a great place to live for its residents.)
"It takes not only the dreamers, the believers, the legislators, it will also take the keepers the watchful stewards (to protect a) national belonging such as Padre Island (it is) the miracle that man can tear apart but not reassemble."
- Lady Bird Johnson